Tuesday, April 21, 2009

klik dan klik

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

en najihah

share all software

moels life

kuliner bandung ku

klik 3x

open source collection



travelling informations

pertempuran hati

oniey peace

blog gajelas deh

budak gaul

ozie punya

mubin center

searching information

kunthan raj

tolearn free

gadget sattitan 90

life insurance term

blogger tips trick

make you heal

my life beautifull

beUUUhhhhh..... promosi gratisan

Ingin kaya mendadak bukan cuma mimpi.... caranya rampok simpanan negara ajah..... heuhauhuahe
Promosi site or blog sekarang mudah and myiurah tp ga pake muntah... ehuaheuheauhu.. tenang blog ini ciap menyimpan link2 anda (tentunya link feed RSS).
syaratnya copy link or rss anda... di kolom comment ini contoh kecil.
http://forbiddenfile404.blogspot.com/ (URL)
http://forbiddenfile404.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss (Untuk Feed RSS)

How to make friendly link


To make your friendly link with slide rule
lets take have a look inside, first you have to do is make gadget html/java on your blog.
here is command :
text-align: left;">
1. (h2 class="title">"title your gang or list link"(/h2>
this explain no.1
its mean the command title your link, so you can edit or empty this title for example
"your gang or list link"

2. text-align: left;">

this explain no.2
its mean the command the text in position left (
text-align: left;") marquee direction where the text have to move from side "up" or "down" (marquee direction="up") onmouseover its mean when the pointer on your mouse move on zone link border have to stop the marquee link (onmouseover="this.stop()")

3. (li>(a href="http://yourfriendlylink.com" target="_blank">name your friendly(/li>"
this explain no.3
its mean link target your friend put your address link to between " " (href="http://yourfriendlylink.com">). if you have more then one link, copy step 3 after command then paste the code.

download complete code ...
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